Surveys: Phase 1 Habitat
Phase 1 surveys are a system of rapid mapping of wildlife habitats. It is
a standardised system that produces information about types of habitat
and natural and semi-natural vegetation. Phase 1 surveys are sometimes
followed up with a Phase 2 survey, which offers a more detailed look at plant
communities (using National Vegetation Classification NVC) or may include
surveys of protected species. Phase 1 surveys are extremely useful for both
conservationists and planning authorities.
Phase 1 Surveys can be useful for;
- Defining which sites warrant Phase 2 Surveys
- Identifying potential SSSI Sites, Local Nature Reserves, County Wildlife Sites etc
- Enabling planners to formulate policy
- Enabling planners to respond quickly to planning applications, helping to save time and money by ensuring planners have good knowledge of sensitive areas.
BlueSky Ecology can conduct Phase 1 surveys and provide a comprehensive report detailing the findings. Phase 1 surveys can significantly reduce delays to your development as they will highlight any special habitats or potential for protected species at an early stage.
BlueSky Ecology regularly undertakes Preliminary Ecological Appraisals. These appraisals are useful for gathering data on the existing condition of a proposed development site and for making preliminary assessments of the likely impacts of developments. The assessment will consider any possible constraints, the potential for protected species and will identify any notable habitats. It is always recommended that a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal is undertaken in the early stages of the development planning so that additional costs and delays can be avoided.