Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW)
An Ecological Clerk of Works is increasingly required on development sites as part of planning consent or when it is considered likely that a development may affect protected species. The role of the ECoW is to ensure compliance with the conditions of the planning consent and to advise contractors how best to minimise impacts on wildlife through the construction and operational phases of developments.
An Ecological Clerk of Works can oversee a variety of tasks such as vegetation clearance, hedgerow translocation or soak-a-ways and probing. The ECoW will ensure that measures are put in place to limit risk to protected species and important habitats.
Our staff includes a Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) card holder. This card identifies the holder as having passed construction site health and safety checks.
The Ecological Clerk of Works is charged at a half day or day rate in line with Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (IEEM) guidelines.